Friday, March 28, 2008

Somerset Patriots: Who they've got?

This is the first of what will be many, many Somerset Patriots-related posts from now through the end of September. I encourage anyone who checks the blog for Patriots information to leave a comment because seeing comments is my main way of knowing there is interest in this blog. People often told me last season that they were reading, but I rarely received more than 2 or 3 comments per post. More than that is needed.

Here is the team's roster so far, in case you have missed some of the signings. An * indicates the player is new to the team. You can find my thoughts on the team at the bottom.

Josh Pressley
Gerardo Alvarez*
Frank Moore*
David Housel*
Vito Chiaravalloti*

Jason Belcher
Travis Anderson

Elliott Ayala
Michael Ryan*

Jason Richardson
David Humen*
Steve Kelly*
Casey Cahill
Brandon Knight
Scott Wiggins
Bret Prinz*

MY OPINION: This is a classic Somerset Patriots team.
The offense will have speed and gap-to-gap hitters.
In the field, there is tons of versatility. Every infielder except Josh Pressley plays multiple positions, Ayala also plays shortstop and third base, Belcher also plays the outfield and Anderson also plays first base.
The pitching is very solid. Knight and Wiggins proved themselves as good starters last season and Kelly has career numbers that indicate he will do the same.
If Cahill pitches like he did at the end of last season instead of at the beginning, he is an effective middle-to-long reliever and Prinz will be the best closer in the Atlantic League for however long he is around (which I'm guessing is not past May).
I don't know enough about Humen, though it appears he is a middle reliever.
The real wild card here is Richardson. The hard-throwing right-hander has GREAT stuff. He throws hard and his ball moves. But he battled control issues all last season. If those problems are corrected, he can be electric. If not, will pitching coach Brett Jodie and manager Sparky Lyle keep him on board for another inconsistent season just because of potential?
A quick glance at the roster compared to what other Atlantic League teams boast at this point leads me to believe that the Patriots again will be near the top.
Look for the Lancaster Barnstormers to rebound from a dreadful season, the Newark Bears to viably defend their title and the Long Island Ducks to be strong for the zillionth season in a row.


Anonymous said...

I check the blog a few times a week, will try and post more this season. Awesome that the C-N devotes a full time beat writer to the Patriots.
Keep up the good work.

Dave said...

I read your article about Jeff Nettles. Do you think he will return to the Patriots?

Ryan Dunleavy said...

Gun to my head, yes I think Nettles will be back with the Patriots. He had a good spring training and a good year last year, so he is hoping there is some demand out there for him. But most teams, whether affiliated or the Mexican League, have too many players right now, not too few. So while Jeff might want to try a new avenue, I think he'll be at third base for Somerset when the season opens.

Anonymous said...


Glad to see your back to Patriots news!

I love your stuff, please continue the blog!

Do you know if Jose Morban, Danny Garcia or Teuris Olivares will be back???

-your #1 fan

Anonymous said...

Great job. Add Nettles and his power to this team and I think the Patriots will be very strong.

Paul Hadsall said...


I check your blog during baseball season.

Do you have any idea what Keith Ramsey is doing this season?

I didn't really expect to see him back in Somerset after the way last season ended, but I wanted to know if he was going to play somewhere this year or if he's retired.