Friday, August 31, 2007

Crossing the line?

In the top of the second inning tonight, in the most important Atlantic League series going on right now, the Atlantic League reached a new low.
Somerset's Jose Morban singled and was on first base with one out.
In foul territory near the first base coach's box, Reggie, the Purple Party Dude mascot, was hanging out, putting on his usual between innings show DURING AN INNING.
He played several jokes on the first base coach -- who we later learned to be Reggie's acting accomplice dressed in a Patriots uniform --including kicking him in the butt a few times.
Morban got caught watching this act -- which came dangerously close to crossing into fair territory -- and was picked off the base on a snap throw by catcher Sandy Aracena.
You can blame Morban for losing his concentration, but I can see where he was misled into thinking a timeout had been called for these shenanigans.
If the regular first base coach had been in the box, Reggie probably wouldn't have been fooling around with him. Even if he was causing a distraction, you'd like to believe he would have yelled "BACK!" to Morban.
Also worth noting, if the home franchise wants this act so badly, why not do it when their team is up at bat? Then they would have to decide what is more important, and I bet the players and coaches would have something to say about that decision.
As someone who vehemently defends the Atlantic League and its high caliber of baseball, this was embarassing to see.
I realize the entertainment value of such performers to the fans, but when it starts affecting the on-field results in the middle of a pennant race, that is crossing a fine line.
It will be interesting to see what Sparky Lyle has to say about this play after the game -- especially if the Patriots wind up losing.


Anonymous said...

I agree it's not fair but Somerset won anyway.

Anonymous said...

what was the impact of the CS on the game, anything?

Anonymous said...

what was the impact of the CS on the game, anything?

Ryan Dunleavy said...

There was no impact. That's why no one had anything to say about it in the past few days. Somerset won the game 6-5 and that second-inning play was long forgotten.